I think I know what your brothers will be asking themselves when they find out.
Inter-Thread Poll: Is it just me, or is it less fun to watch a woman get degraded when she seems to have a sense of humor about it? Personally, it tends to kill it for me. I'd rather see an abrupt halt in their careers after a particularly degrading porn scene. That's the best thing about iafd.com, you can just about pinpoint when a girl leaves the business abruptly, her illusions shattered, her heart and soul crushed. "Jane Blow"-Dates active: 2001-2002. Here I am in 2004 jerking of to her getting throatfucked in 'Gag Factor', imagining her having run back to "normal life" traumatized, plagued by nightmares and regret. It's wonderful.
Here's an idea: How about if a porn woman who is sharp like Kami
acts as if she leaves the biz traumatized? She'll go on talk shows like 'Sally Jessie' tearfully recounting how she wanted to be famous but was used and abusedand degraded far beyond what she expected, singling out one scene in particular that was the last straw. The company responsible for the scene in question would be paying her under the table, naturally, because sales will no doubt skyrocket after her public outcry. Not a bad idea. Would need a smart girl who's a convincing actress, though, which porn is by nature in short supply of.