I admit, my tactics are ruthless.
I study, I watch, and I attempt to understand.
Sometimes I make up false identities. Sometimes I ask tough questions. These things are necessary when lives are at stake. I do not kill people, I do not hurt them. I tell people what they need to know, and often, that causes problems. However, I do know how to learn, and I learn quickly...
...And I have been studying all of you.
In a very short amount of time, I have learned a great deal about your industry...this interesting institution we call 'American Porn'.
I have received emails from many people in the industry, who have taught me so much. I am thankful to all of you for your candidness. I will not expose you. I realize that many of your bosses come to this forum, and that they will not listen to what you say. Your opinions are safe with me.
So what have I learned from these fearful people, the silent majority of American Porn?
I have learned that a UNION is cumming. A UNION in American Porn.
It may have titles such as this one:
Sex Workers Union of California, S.W.U.C
Or, it may sound like this one:
United Porn Performers of America, U.P.P.A.
But whatever the moniker, a unionizing of American Porn is way, way overdue, and very, very necessary.
The need for a performers union is, and has been, obvious for quite some time. While the money is good, the conditions are often inhumane.
At what other jobsite in America can a person go to work, suffer a deadly disease as a result, and the employer is never held accountable?
Only in American Porn.
This is all about to change, and it's high time it did.
From what I've been hearing, the performers have the edge this time. The new breed of performers understand what many who have gone before did not...
The new breed of performer in American Porn knows the Law.
Yes, the Law.
This new breed of performer understands that Philip Morris can be sued. An airline can be legally held accountable for not checking baggage correctly to prevent a terrorist attack. An automobile tire maker can be brought to justice for knowingly selling a defective tire...
...Yet, in American Porn, people still bring home diseases they got at work from people who were not properly screened.
No one is denying American Porn the Freedom of Speech.
There is never, and has never been, anything wrong with watching people fuck on camera. Thus, the Art is not the problem. The industry however, is.
You're all about to go through a very challenging time. There will be much fingerpointing, debating, and friendships will be challenged. Employers and Performers will be at odds, for a time. This is just the way things must be.
However, when we come out of this rocky era to come, American Porn will be healthier, and more wonderful than ever.
Going to work in America should never result in death, disease, or psychological trauma.
Yet these are the STILL the current conditions...in America Porn.
A UNION is Cumming, y'all...
...The Unionizing of American Porn...
...and man oh man, it's been long, long overdue.
Good luck, and God Bless