Keep telling yourself that, Clayton. Just don't tell em you're greek. They know you're something, they just haven't pinned it down yet.


Somehow the Greek-American psyche has blocked out any memory of its experience with racial discrimination and instead has created an illusionary memory of a painless immigration experience. However, the truth is that Greeks were never welcomed with open arms by Anglo-Saxon establishment. In the early days, Greek immigrants were constantly harassed by organizations, such as the Ku Klux Klan because they were viewed as mongrelized members of a once great Nordic nation

White, which nowadays includes anyone of European origin, was then reserved for people of Anglo-Saxon and Nordic stock. Greeks were considered to be of mixed race, mongrels genetically inferior to their allegedly pure ancestors of ancient times and, therefore, incapable of ever approaching their accomplishments. Inasmuch as these writers saw the Greeks as inferior and not white, and despised them for this, their behavior was clearly racist. - E.D. Karampetsos. Nativism in Nevada: Greek Immigrants in White Pine County
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward