Originally Posted By: Doony

Max ain't Spiegler any more than Willie D is Eddie Dzial, Doony. I told you before: Not everybody who hates you is an alt for your obsessions.

Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Post yer whore's butthole or I may lock you in the Gimp Box, Donkey.

He'll do it, Doony. More Importantly: You don't have a pic of Heather's butthole to post after I was kind enough to answer your question? Hell, I should throw you in the Gimp Box for that, as well as for posting links when you promised you wouldn't.

Originally Posted By: Heather Deep
I am sure I will get banned soon...

Nobody gets banned from this place upon request, Doony. You only get banned when you're asking for it. Tell you what, I'll make you a deal: If you go look for Eddie Dzial where he actually posts (which, as you now know, isn't XPT) and stop rehashing arguments from seven... eight... nine... ten years ago, you won't get gimped OR banned. OK?
"When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST