OK... finally a good post!
In the US it is illegal to have sexual relations with an animal. Some would also say it is immoral. I would say that some people smoke marijuana, which is also illegal. Some would also say it's immoral to engage in the illegal use of drugs.
I say... whatever floats your boat. If you don't mind breaking the law, what the fuck! If your ol' lady wants to get boned by a dog and it's OK with you, go for it! It's her body, she can decide what she wants put in it. You wouldn't be doing anything different than millions of others that engage in the use of illegal drugs.
Frankly the THC in marijuana is known to have harmful side effects, I don't think anybody has done a study to show doggy sperm is bad for you (not that I would go that route).
Just be sure to put mittens on the dog as scratches could become unsightly scars!