That's driving south on the 405 heading out of porn valey towards LAX.
Jerky: Can you embed that clip here? It's on insta.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
John Carpenter's 'The Thing', which traumatized me as a child on pay cable in the 80s only slightly less than Aurora Snow's scene in 'Gag Factor 5' a decade or 2 later as as seasoned adult. Considering the abject cheese of most of his other schlock this stands alone as a classical masterpiece.
Edited by windsock (12/08/1709:45 PM)
_________________________ "you aint felt fear till you felt a sista question you on things you dont wanna be questioned on."---GUAPO
------------------- Mild Mannered Minion ------------------- I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow -Anyway, Genesis
All in the Family episode where everyone on the loading dock is on strike. Archie sez: "Jeez, I feel so poor" and refuses Louise Jefferson's stew. Shit, Piss, and Corruption, Steinbeck was right.
_________________________ "When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Watched Marvelous Mrs. Meisel on the free Amazon stream. Pretty good, like Mad Men meets I'm Dying Up Here. Also watched a bunch of the Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee clips which are now all on Netflix. A few gems, a lot of duds.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Did you check for new channels lately? MeTV and H&I jumped spots. Check DirecTV 54 and 20
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
------------------- Mild Mannered Minion ------------------- I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow -Anyway, Genesis
Not the Oscars last night. Lowest rated Academy Awards show in history thanks to people's disgust with Hollywood's liberal elite. So sad. So very, very sad.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
AC Cream Wannabe
Registered: 04/07/05
Posts: 461
Loc: Hell, or something like it
The Tick on Amazon. Was doing some really boring shit in the office at work the other day and put it on. Hard to explain. The villain, this dude called the Terror, killed a group of superheroes in the beginning with weaponized syphilis. And it goes on from there.
You can’t be a pimp and a prostitute too. -some song I heard...
I'm like: 'Is it even legal to say that?' Then I realized we were grown men."
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
Not the Oscars last night. Lowest rated Academy Awards show in history thanks to people's disgust with Hollywood's liberal elite. So sad. So very, very sad.
Yeah, right. Keep up the confirmation bias. The ratings have declined steadily over the years like all broadcast tv. But thanks for spouting the breitbart company line, ya sheep. Taking credit for things that began during the previous administration for a change.
Originally Posted By: Steezo
thanks to people's disgust with Hollywood's liberal elite...
Yeah, cause the libtard film academy was so unaccepting of Clint Eastwood and other conservative voices in the arts. Grow up, ya sheep.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
^Almost a 20% ratings drop from last year. So sad, so very, very sad to see a respected institution squander its respectability by catering to the out-of-touch Hollywood, liberal elite.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
good rhetorical skills there, sport fisherman. Real advanced thinking.
Originally Posted By: Steezo
by catering to the out-of-touch Hollywood, liberal elite.
tell that to Bradley Cooper.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
accept what? That broadcast TV has been steadily dropping households for the past decade? That Oscar ratings show a five year steady decline? Or that shitheads will politicize anything to feel empowered and self-confirm information bias? Yeah, you deplorables affected the TV economy, riiight.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Exactly, you can't accept that you and your liberal friends are only good at ruining shit. A 20% drop in one year is more than just simple ratings decay. Accept it. Btw, Hillary lost the 2016 election fair & square. Accept it.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
Exactly, you can't accept that you and your liberal friends are only good at ruining shit. A 20% drop in one year is more than just simple ratings decay. Accept it. Btw, Hillary lost the 2016 election fair & square. Accept it.
Wow, your feeling are obviously hurt and you are attaching way too much to this. You may want to turn off the echo chamber for a while and re-establish your identity. Just set filters on your feeds and avoid the dogma. It seems like you need it.
tl:dr.....Lighten up, Francis
Hillary? lmfao....who da fuq mentioned that cunt? Daym, Daniel.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
You just can't accept it. Please get help soon.
Is that an "I know you are, but what am I"
So, you're saying the Oscars had the viewership of "real 'merricans" like you before this year, and now they lost 20% of their audience as a result of the left/right disdain?
So, for the past several years, the right wing was watching the Oscars year after year and only now have come to revolt against it and lower the ratings for 2018. Yeah, accept it as a fucking breitbart talking point that you swallowed like Hillary Scott in a bokkum scene.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
You're losing it. You're becoming unhinged. You just can't accept it. Any of it.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
just answer the question and don't dodge
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
You answer the question. Can you accept it? Can you accept that D. Trump won the election fair & square? Can you accept that overt liberalism turns people off? I don't think you can.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
You answer the question. Can you accept it? Can you accept that D. Trump won the election fair & square? Can you accept that overt liberalism turns people off? I don't think you can.
Dude, you are fighting the wrong battle here. Of course I can. I never disputed the election, never denied the disdain for liberals or defended radical leftists, or any other issues you have inside your head.
I attack and mock the alt-right and the false machismo of the "real 'merrica" at every opportunity, but that does not make me deny the election, support hrc, or anti-second amendment.
The Oscars were not affected by anti-liberalism. The numbers just don't support the argument.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
So sad, so very, very sad to see a respected institution squander its respectability by catering to the out-of-touch Hollywood, liberal elite.
This is also hysterical. The old Hollywood wasn't elitist? Didn't cater to the Hollywood liberals? Are you fucking tripping? Oh, and "respected institution" - the Oscars? Puh-lease.
Bro, you picked a stupid fight and it wasn't even about the Oscar show. You're just reelin and swinging wild.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Such hysterical failure in your arguments. You can't accept reality. I'm sorry. It's just so sad.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
uh, just accepted your little list of demands. Go fight with the mirror
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Enjoy your little failure bubble, bubble boy. You can't accept reality.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
now you're just drunk and repeating yourself.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
yup, drunk and sleepy. Go piss up a rope
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Doesn't matter what I say; you can't accept reality. Yaaawn.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
To what reality do you refer, kind sir?
Originally Posted By: faceblaster
This is also hysterical.
Originally Posted By: Steezo
Such hysterical failure in your arguments.
remember when broccoli boy used to do this same thing? Take the words from the preceding post and try to throw them back? Birds of a feather
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
I used the same word you did in my reply, so clearly I'm comparable to one of the most reviled people to ever post here. You really think I'm unoriginal?
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Steezo are not you a Greek? Your nation literally got raped in the ass by Goldman Sachs and the IMF. Your people were told to accept brutal austerity measure yet you really believe liberals are evil?
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 04/16/09
Posts: 3703
Loc: Sleeping through my funeral
Originally Posted By: Steezo
I used the same word you did in my reply, so clearly I'm comparable to one of the most reviled people to ever post here. You really think I'm unoriginal?
Why do conservatives seem to suffer from the worst cases of Dunning Krueger syndrome?
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.
My family left Greece to achieve success in a capitalist republic.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.