Alright sammura lets,...WRAP....IT.....UP.wrap it,wrap,Please know that I could easily stretch this out until you become unhindged and lose you water and send some government agency to apprehend me for race crimes but that has so already been done in this board by you and we try to keep the material fresh around here,also I get the feeling if you were smart enough to have a real motive It may be to use me to take some parting shots at the board where your imbalance first manifest itself(by the by was your banning at ADT toninght a personal best for you?)I can name that tune in six post
I will not be used by you on any level
Now lets recap,Me home minding own,suddenly blindsided by sammmura shane for some imagined slight not on a board somewhere but straight the fuck up in my email inbox!straight gangster girl!like a home invasion.I return with a olive branch,lets talk I say despite knowing that you will not stop until your bowels are empty. You forced the action from the very beginning.Anywho lets combine the what I hope will be the last two emails(though not likely that you will)I would ask you NOT TO SEND ME ANYMORE EMAILS.I manage to get through the day without even wondering about you and I would like the bad dreams to stop(particularly the one where I start a scene with Jada Fire and look down and see you,I've wet the bed and well,the screaming wakes my son
next to last:From : sammura shane <>
Sent : Sunday, October 17, 2004 11:13 AM
To :
Subject : your fayner..i'm not sorry post
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------------------------------------------------------------------------Attachment :  dsc07111.jpg (0.10 MB)
you are a trip. you hang out on a porn message board
co-signing and chatting with people who have said
racist remarks about black people,your even willing to
shuck and jive and act like your in blackface for
these losers.
now you got to nerve to get mad because fayner said
something about black people? why get angry now? the
only reason you felt insulted was not because he was
saying neagtive thing about black people, it's because
of who he is.
the only reason why you ranted on the board is
because you know they don't like fayner on there and
your trying to win cool points.
i know your geeked up that your finally in the
industry but acting like your willing to let a white
guy nut in your face while their yelling jiggaboo so
they can say on a message board that your flicks rocks
is very sad.............
____you can call it shuckin an jivin or a flat out minstrel show if you want I know what it is kickin with friends havin some fun,FUCK ANYONE WHO CANT TAKE A JOKE !last I knew it was a joke forum
The diff betwwen that and Fayner was that his suggestions that folk in the ghetto particularly blacks would turn their lives around if we listened to better rap and had better role models on tv.was not a joke,nor in a joke forum but I dont expect you to be able to understand the difference because you dont even appear to be aware of what really matters.Wev'e come to the bridge now ,gimmie the bridge now
I come here when I want ,because I want to,just so you know the career is fine ,directing now.I dont feel the need to impress anyone of any color,aside from my son whom is my soul inspiration and the holder of the only opinion that matters
yes once I did offer in a post to do a scene with you hoping that the shiny coin might divert you from the inevitable tried to be self destructed anyway wouldnt be saved.And lastly ....and I dont know how many people have told you how many different ways.If you don't like whats happening around here there is a very simple solution,DONT FUCKING COME!but you will hell youll keep emailing me till I block you because you cant help it,and thats kinda sad and why I dont want to play with you anymore.Im takin my ball(both of them in fact)and goin home dont care what any one thinks the checks have already been cashed and this post is way too fucking long. your brotha bishop .......Hey Longshot how about we fry some chicken and tapdance outta here?