Originally Posted By: backdoorman
Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
Originally Posted By: backdoorman
Re atheism: I'll never get why some people are so obsessed with God if they don't believe in him. Unless it's just a pitiable way of saying " look at me"

I really don't give a shit what kind of backwards tribalistic superstitious nonsense you think is real. It's when your beliefs start infringing into my rights that we have a problem. Which is why you end up with monstrously sickening things like Wahhabism, the evangelical right, genital mutilation, the semen warriors of papa new guinea and a hundred other terrible things.

I can't say I disagree pal. Religious nutbags whether Christian or Islamist bend the hell out of their religious beliefs as an excuse to trample rights all the time.

Well then that is a good thing that we agree and you've also answered your own question.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.