I'm sorry for my spelling everyone. There I was, perambulating around the eighth circle, my dumb phone to my ear, when some slime sucking demon jammed his pitchfork into me. I then dropped the phone into the nearest lava pit.

I have bad news for ChristianXXX, when you arrive here, red hot pitchforks are the only thing they'll shove into your butt, but I digress.

But here is who I was referring to.
the following website:

With the assistance of Chico Wang I predict that within 60 days the plaintiff will have Mike South's website shut down and then Sean will essentially have porn blogging to himself.

According to South (take this with a boulder of Salt) the plaintiff alleges that South defamed him by saying things like he was fixing his court cases with the help of a friend or a family relative who works in a local prosecutor's office. This supposes that such an allegation, if false, would damage his reputation separately and in addition to his other alleged activities, which remain to be proven.

but Mike would have to find a lawyer to make clever arguments for him and maybe file an Anti-Slapp lawsuit, and South can't even afford condoms on his own shoots.

There are very few porn blogs that print anything other then press releases and material generated on other sites. Looking at TRPWL and Luke is Back, I think that Sean has about 30% original content which still makes him the outlier in this niche.

But even when Sean consolidates his hold, I don't think with advertisements,that he'll be netting more then 25K a year unless helping people with their internet vendettas generally leads to cash payments. No, the way for Sean to make money is to convince those twinks at the Free Speech Coalition to pay him for publicity efforts. (I wouldn't know if this has ever happened) but once he gets on that gravy train, he'll really make some benjamins.

Edited by Jake Malone's Ghost (12/07/16 09:25 PM)