Originally Posted By: Steezo
And no one seems to have learned anything from this election. The left is doubling down on hate and divisiveness and their response seems to be, "OK whitey, you won this one, but you're all a bunch of dumb racists who couldn't handle a skinny black man being President and someday we'll outnumber you and we can't wait to rub your noses in it. Nyah! Nyah! Nyah!"

And could you be more of a sore loser than to protest the very next day after a fairly won, uncontested election? You had your chance to express yourself literally just the day before.

Loved the "spontaneous, unorganized, uncoordinated" protest in Chicago where 90% of the protesters had the exact same professionally printed sign.

Also loved the moron protester on CNN who claimed that Hillary should just walk into the Supreme Court and sue the United States. As if the Supreme Court was some kind of legal system version of Starbucks where you just walked in and ordered a lawsuit to go. And these exact same people have the balls to claim that Trump supporters are stupid.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules