"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Your true color is coming out at last. AND IT'S RED
Like all true red-blooded American patriots.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
#644126 - 02/17/1702:17 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Steezo]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
Originally Posted By: faceblaster
Your true color is coming out at last. AND IT'S RED
Like all true red-blooded American patriots.
Cause it's so American to support a Russian stooge. Flynn money
Go get your aspirin, you're going to have a rough few weeks for headaches!
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
There's nothing there with regard to the Russians. All fake news. Excuse me, very fake news.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644128 - 02/17/1702:31 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Anonymous]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
You'll see, if your head lasts that long up your own ass.(or in the sand, as it is)
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
The Russian shit didn't work prior to the election and there's nothing new since. Just because the NY Times keeps reprinting the same leftist propaganda over and over doesn't make it new "news."
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644130 - 02/17/1702:36 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Steezo]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Enjoy your rest
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Yeah right. Like I'm gonna trust info from someone named Schindler.
Ad-hominem and racist slurs, the last bastion of a man running out of reason and intellect.
Now go get your robes and cross.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Calling everyone a racist: the Democrat party's only option. Only it doesn't work anymore. Sorry. Please keep helping Trump get re-elected.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644136 - 02/17/1704:59 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Anonymous]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
Calling everyone a racist: the Democrat party's only option. Only it doesn't work anymore. Sorry. Please keep helping Trump get re-elected.
Hey, you pulled the Jew card out of your robes and hood. Man the fuck up and embrace your inner Nazi. Ironic coming from a fucking Greek, right? Why Greeks should fear the Muslim ban
And btw: nobody is more of a whiney little bitch than your Cheeto.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
You'll see, if your head lasts that long up your own ass.
Yeah, about that: Steez, I was going to make it a surprise, but I just couldn't guess your size. Have a look, let me know which one's going to be big enough to extract it fully and I'll have it sent to you within the week. Consider it a President's Day present.
_________________________ "When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST
#644139 - 02/17/1705:07 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Anonymous]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
donny J. Trump Verified account ‏@realDonaldTrump Follow
More The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!
Whaa whaa whaa, give me my safe space. Your words are hurting me.
What a giant orange pussy. Biggest orange pussy since Lisa DeLeeuw retired.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
You Democrats just go right on doing what you're doing and I'll be just fine with it for the next 8 years. You aren't winning anything, you're losing and becoming more and more deranged. Meanwhile Trump just keeps on winning. So much winning that my head is starting to spin.
Corrected approval ratings.(in case you still trust polls for some stupid reason)
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Hey, you pulled the Jew card out of your robes and hood. Man the fuck up and embrace your inner Nazi.
Sounds like someone has a little sand in their shmundie.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Oh sure, Now you quote CNN. I thought they were fake news and all lies. Can't have it both ways.
The CNN article simply gave info about the sales rankings on Amazon. I wasn't trying to "quote" them. I just wanted to give the information some context.
Originally Posted By: faceblaster
Corrected approval ratings.(in case you still trust polls for some stupid reason)
I only trust polls that confirm that Trump is winning since I know it to be true. Just like before the election.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644145 - 02/17/1709:21 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Steezo]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
Originally Posted By: faceblaster
Hey, you pulled the Jew card out of your robes and hood. Man the fuck up and embrace your inner Nazi.
Sounds like someone has a little sand in their shmundie.
Wrong kind of Jew, only sand my people know is Miami and Long Island. But thanks for trying.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
#644146 - 02/17/1709:23 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Steezo]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
Originally Posted By: faceblaster
Oh sure, Now you quote CNN. I thought they were fake news and all lies. Can't have it both ways.
The CNN article simply gave info about the sales rankings on Amazon. I wasn't trying to "quote" them. I just wanted to give the information some context.
Originally Posted By: faceblaster
Corrected approval ratings.(in case you still trust polls for some stupid reason)
I only trust polls that confirm that Trump is winning since I know it to be true. Just like before the election.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
When the media is more interested in promoting and furthering it's own political ideology than it is in truthfully and accurately reporting the news it is.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
^I lovd how the media is spinning the press conference as a "win" for them when they basically had their asses handed to them.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644152 - 02/18/1711:24 AMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Steezo]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: Steezo
^I lovd how the media is spinning the press conference as a "win" for them when they basically had their asses handed to them.
Demonstrably, unquestionably, 100% false - That equals a win, huh?
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Trump: winning, bigly. Lying, very fake news media: losing, big league.
Are you in love with Charlie Sheen or something? Because repeatedly posting a pic of an HIV+ drug addict liberal nut job isn't winning you any arguments.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644154 - 02/18/1711:49 AMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Anonymous]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Mocking your use of the word winning. He thought he was winning too. Time will tell. Exposing the lies
At this point, the media is not your problem in Trumpland. It's the Judiciary and the IC.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
At this point, the media is not your problem in Trumpland. It's the Judiciary and the IC.
^Soon the Republicans will control the Supreme Court again. And Trump will weed out Obama's moles in the intelligence community and bring them to justice.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644156 - 02/18/1712:10 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Anonymous]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Rah, Rah, Rah. Yeah, right. Winning! Bigly! LOL, how do you suckers fall for this shit? Fake President!
Originally Posted By: Steezo
^Soon the Republicans will control the Supreme Court again.
Political parties don't control the SCOTUS. Maybe you should do some civics homework.
Originally Posted By: Steezo
The Russian shit didn't work prior to the election and there's nothing new since. Just because the NY Times keeps reprinting the same leftist propaganda over and over doesn't make it new "news."
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644161 - 02/18/1706:30 PMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Anonymous]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
You're just using the word winning to bait us, right? Check the odds makers worldwide on the prop bets on him lasting a full one term.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Originally Posted By: the unknown pervert
Same oddsmakers that gave Hillary a 98 percent chance of winning the election?
Probably. Maybe it was all a mob fix and those fellows made a killing. Oceans 15: White House.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
^Keep reading and believing your fake news. Excuse me, very fake news. Meanwhile Trump is getting busy doing the hard work to make America great again. It's such a great time to be an American. Unless of course you're a leftist agitator who wants to ruin the country.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Yeah, like the Obama's didn't run up the budget on vacations. I think they even used Airforce One or Marine One just for their dog one time. And what kind of narcissist uses their own initials for their dog's name (Bo)?
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Obama didn't skip town three weeks straight his first month on the job. The way your boy's going, he'll dwarf Obama's eight-year total vacation time by Easter; yours or everyone else's.
_________________________ "When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST
Well, when Obama did skip town, he didn't get to stay at his own giant resort for billionaires. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Trump is letting the secret service and everyone accompanying him stay there free of charge. It's just the kind of thing that a caring conservative would do to help the American taxpayer.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
I'm sure that $9million number is just more fake/very fake news. Nothing to see here. Move along, please. Going back to more winning.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
So horrible what happened to the people in Sweden. "Who would believe this?"
Also, I hate the Jews.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
I don't really hate the Jews, but if anyone should have a good sense of humor...who else?
Clearly Sweden + Bowling Green shows how we need much better control of who crosses our borders. No one (not even a dirty jew) could disagree with this.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
#644177 - 02/19/1710:37 AMRe: Make D0nald Drumpf Again!
[Re: Anonymous]
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5215
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Fuck off with the Jew shit, Stavros. Greece is both the Mississippi of Europe and the Floriduh at the same time, not to mention pioneers in male buttfucking! And Alaska is the haven for separatist extremists and nutjob isolationists. See Russia from you house now?
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
Honestly, my family in Greece opposed the Germans in WWII and even harbored downed US bomber pilots underneath the floorboards in their houses. Any anti-semitic remarks I make these days are because I see a way to needle you or I'm acting out against people calling decent Republicans racist Nazis. You fuck off with that shit and I'll fuck off with my anti-Jew rhetoric.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
... but if anyone should have a good sense of humor...who else?
Nein. I was not head of the Gestapo at all. I Make Joke..."
Originally Posted By: Steezo
Clearly Sweden + Bowling Green shows how we need much better control of who crosses our borders. No one (not even a dirty jew) could disagree with this.
There you go again, trying to close the barn door after the "dirty jews" have gotten in. And by that i mean your party's lax immigration policies that allowed one Alex Panzer onto these shores. Talk about projecting.
_________________________ "When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's hard to remember that you set out to drain the swamp" -- HST
Fine then, burn all of the dirty jews. As a westernized Greek who doesn't spend a lot of time in the sun, I can pass. No one is lighting their ovens for me. Fire away!
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.