Originally Posted By: faceblaster
There is a big difference between Pixies/Lush/Garbage/Nirvana and the fake alt bands like veruca salt/liz phair/bush/everclear and so many others. The first group comprises outsider kids and alt rock culture. The second group is made up of good looking kids who were jocks and cheerleaders and popular kids who jumped on the alt rock bandwagon after Nirvana turned the music business upside down.
That and the obvious difference in the quality and quantity of the music. The bandwagon jumping bands were seldom good for more than one or two good songs at best.

BTW: what's the deal with Frank Black? Asshole? I hope it's not only based on him breaking up Pixies.

That is an astute analysis of the era, but that you include Garbage in the first group nearly invalidates your theory. Also the most glaring omission in your second group is Pearl Jam, clearly a cock rock band from the get go, though admittedly they've found an admirable second act as a Phish like road group.
Also, the only reason Cobain was an outsider was a smidgen of social anxiety disorder and the fact he was a couple inches too short. I used to read everything about that band and always got the impression he was a latent alpha male. Sensitive to be sure but so was/is Richard Linklater who is an alpha jock through and through. And Cobain was a very very good looking kid. Which is why Nirvana gets mostly backhanded love from the other alt scene NW bands, who were all ugly as fuck degenerates like Tad and Mudhoney. drunky
"you aint felt fear till you felt a sista question you on things you dont wanna be questioned on."---GUAPO