1) Besides being a serial killer, Bundy was also a serial liar and necropheliac. Since there is no market, then and now, for such necropheliac porn, he can't blame ALL of his major malfunctions on porno.
2) He claimed right before his execution to some TV Preacher that he had consumed violent porno as a child (late 1950s, to mid 1960s) when such materials were not being mass produced.
3) If they were being produced, perhaps it was within his own extended family, at which point he had an even greater issue then porno, child abuse etc.
4) Bundy also loved slasher movies, so even without access to porno, he might have found "inspiration".
5) As you know you alcoholic sot, your question cannot be answered. It is so frightfully dumb that I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.
Edited by Jake Malone's Ghost (09/07/16 07:51 AM)