
From BBC News Americas: Story

Some of Guatemala's prostitutes have formed a football team which, even if it does not always win, at least highlights poor working conditions.
A team of policewomen was the latest to beat the Stars of the Tracks with a 3-1 win - but the publicity is everything.

"People come up and congratulate us and tell us to keep up the good work," said team goal-scorer Valeria.

Though their work is legal, the women earn as little as $2.50 for sex and still encounter police harassment.

"It's good to feel the power of being united," said defender Beatriz.

"When we work, we are more isolated in our rooms."

If the team is still honing its footballing skills, it may also have some work to do on its image.

Stars of the Tracks was ejected from an elite amateur league last month because of allegations that their fans "used profanity", Reuters news agency reports.

Uh, Isn't that Capitalism at work there.
'' Women are not people, they are devices built by our Lord Jesus Christ for our entertainment.'' Peter Griffin