Originally Posted By: tattypatty
Zero empathy is being shown by the fucking saddies who are trying to make this about themselves (BLM losers etc
) and the morons who just can't accept that one of their pets slaughtered one of their other pets. Do muslims rank higher on the oppression olympics podium more than homos now?
I'm mentioning the Christians (who I have no time for) because people IRL keep deflecting and mentioning them. The best is the meme of hillbilly repubs with the words "I AM OMAR MATEEN" put underneath. So desperate. Talk about everything but the maniac with the gun and his reasons.

Where does this fucking delusion come from that there is this cult like sect in the left that is "soft" on Muslims and where the fuck in the WORLD do you think this is being applied to? We've killed millions of Arab children in the Middle East. It's okay bro, they know how tough we are, we couldn't get any tougher unless we dropped some H bombs something that you probably cum in your pants at the though of. Luckily you've got a candidate that seems open to the idea! It's really fucking disgusting how people like you all of then sudden care about the lives of homosexuals and want to use this incident as some fucking soap box about the Muslims, as if a CHRISTIAN, there's that word again, who was as warped as this guy and brought up in a west borrows baptist church type environment couldn't have been just as likely at have committed this crime. And those types of Christians are a hell of a lot more common than you act like. Just like you think some "regressive left" isn't aware of Muslim extremism (really it's Wahhabism and a whole shit load of complicated things that you're too stupid to grasp) if we left the Middle East the fuck alone 99% of terrorism directed towards us would disappear. You sit there drooling through your smile with your hand on your crotch at how excited you are this mass murder occurred. Don't put my name into your stinking mouth again you goddamn sadist.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.