Originally Posted By: J.B.
Originally Posted By: tattypatty

You seem to be taking this "Christian" thing pretty personally, Paddy. Last I checked, you were still a Die-Hard Athiest and Apostle of Reason. (The magazine, if not some impossible ideal of "reason"). You secretly convert back or something? grin

End of the day: This bullshit has next to nothing to do with religion and everything to do with one fucktard's inability to deal with his own urges. Religion only enters the picture as the bastard's last desperate attempt to cloak his real motives. Ever heard the old saw "Religion is the last refuge of scoundrels"? That's what's going on here, same as when the kiddie-diddling priests claim they were only giving their altar boys "religious instruction" via "pistoning peni".

You want a bad guy to vilify? I'll give you two: (1) The closeted homo who wrought the carnage; and (2) Wayne LaPierre, who still won't allow his political prostitutes to ban gun sales to people on terrorist watch lists. No one is looking to ban guns altogether, but fer fuck's sake could we at least keep 'em out of the hands of people with a history of DV and a lengthy stay on the FBI's radar? Otherwise, we'll have to stop blaming the Feebs for being, well "Feebs". And even Drumpf is coming around on that score.

It's because he's a worthless piece of shit with zero empathy who's completely tone deaf to any sort of nuance in society. When are you going to realize the majority of people who post here a human garbage, it ain't just a funny title.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.