Originally Posted By: Over Lord
Originally Posted By: CxGxPx

Once again for idiots:

Admittedly, I didn't watch all of it, because when he sort of skipped over who it was that he was actually helping get businesses started, he lost all credibility. He also acknowledged that for the rich republican business men in the private sector to get richer, they needed a strong middle class to buy their goods and services. I have yet to meet a Liberal in Government that needed to sell their product on the open market, when they can just force people to hand over their money and freedom

Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
Originally Posted By: Over Lord
Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
Again, automation is inevitable. Businesses would replace everyone with machines if they could but then no one would afford to buy their products. It's a contradiction of capitalism

You're right, the automotive market died off completely once robots were installed to do the work that was previously done by humans.

Guess what corky, if you raise the minimum wage, the price goes up and no one will be able to afford their product. You just debunked your own talking point

You are a fucking idiot

This circular logic. Because business's will also not be able to make money when people air paid next to nothing, and can't afford to buy shit. only an idiot can't see that

Jesus fuck. You said you can't burden businesses with higher costs (by automating) because those costs will be passed on to the customer, and if the customer feels the prices are too high, they won't buy the product. You just said why raising minimum wage won't do a damn thing.

When it became cheaper for GM to install a robot to do the job instead of a UAW retard, the robot went in, and the retard was sent packing. The same thing will happen to your family working at McDonald's.

If we could fix stupid people, the Democrats would never get another vote

You didn't watch a FUCKING FIVE MINUTE VIDEO because you are a brain damaged piece of shit from getting lead poisoning living in a poor neighborhood.

If you had watched you'd have seen that he AGREES WITH YOU THAT WE NEED A STRONG MIDDLE CLASS

If you had watched you'd see the part when he says that if that wages had kept pace with inflation we'd be making about 92 THOUSAND DOLLARS A YEAR

You say that minimum wage would cause inflation but at the same time you want a "strong middle class" guess what THAT WOULD MEAN PAYING PEOPLE FUCKING MORE!!!!

poor and middle class put all of their money back into the economy THAT would make EVERY ONE richer

Even this evil corporate raider agrees

You don't know a goddamn fucking thing about the free markets that you worship

To quote a noam Chomsky video (high Willie d) Alan green space was in a magazine listing about 20 great inovations of the free market and all 20 of them were wrong, they were all created in the public sector. With the acception of one, the micro processor created by bell labs where his wife worked at MIT but it was defacto government because it was a military contract.

It's funny how much you can inovate when you have an unlimited R and D budget and don't have to worry about making a profit. Please shut the fuck and go back to the John stossels forum or storm front or where ever the fuck your oozed out of. There's already enough balloon headed twits floating around here.
Leave your mind open, receptive to the demons message.