Finished up 'Girls' season 4 on dvd. I haven't always loved this show but it rewards continued vuewsings. I like Dunham a lot though I'm virtually alone in this in the circle of people I discuss these things with. I first became aware of her through her movie 'Tiny Furniture' which I liked very very much. And the obligatory anecdotal memoir she wrote was several cuts above that sort of writing, many cuts in fact, which is probably why she aroused the wrath she did, the dimwits at 'National Review' even goving her a hateful cover photo. But 'Girls' has always been a hobbled thing, compromised mostly by a very unfortunate key piece of casting which I assume was forced on her by her HBO benefactor Judd Apatow. At its best it evokes the BBC show 'Spaced' but when it's bad it edges into shrill 'All in the Family' territory. Its party and dancing scenes are almost peerless though and the relentlessness with which it defies you to find anytjing likable or even bearable about its characters is admirable and funny in its own right. This seaaon was pretty good and Dunham looked about as cute as she ever is going to.
Edited by windsock (05/23/16 11:52 PM)
"you aint felt fear till you felt a sista question you on things you dont wanna be questioned on."---GUAPO