Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
Originally Posted By: Claude Goddard
Gould's Mismeasure of Man should be required reading for all internet fucktards.

sorry claude, I was trying to post the massive criticism section of this book from wikipedia to be a smart ass but you'll just have to look it up for your self

Meh, typical Wikipedia horseshit where a bunch of the people implicated in the book's criticisms are noted at length but none of the rebuttals. Typical Wikibias. For instance, Bernard Davis is a buddy of E.O. Wilson who has never got along with Gould's anti-determinist views, hardly a neutral voice but quoted without the political context. They even mention the discredited fool behind The Bell Curve.

Imagine if the reception section for Frank's What's the Matter with Kansas was 80 percent Republican hacks' criticisms? Course science is supposed to be above such political factionalism but one need only read how viciously scientists attack each other over (to an outsider) relatively minor disputes around evolution, biological determinism, string theory, etc to put that bullshit to bed. Careers and reputations, not to mention book deals, are all at stake.

Wikipedia is good for comic book plot summaries but is a horrible source for anything controversial or political. It is truth determined by internet 'experts' with typical nerdrage and too much time on their hands.