Originally Posted By: Blue
Originally Posted By: Bluecipher
If it's a clever ruse then this thread is something like her 401k quarterly report; it shows how her strategies are working out.

NewsFlash - Bloomington or Bust

Looks like Dana is off to Indiana, surely to bag some would be delegates.


There Bloomington IN and Bloomington-Normal IL. If it's Indiana she's just a little south of me. If I had the time I might just make the trip south and provide this thread the pics it so deserves.

Hmmmmm. She must be off to Bloomington-Normal, IL, then. Bloomington Indiana looks to be too far south. But then, I guess she goes wherever the next paid booty call takes her.

And you are right, this thread needs some up to the minute visuals. We are working with old, tired pictures. Never a good thing. The latest is the Backpage ad pics, which are about 1.5 months old but likely to be heavily photoshopped.
Mild Mannered Minion
I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow
-Anyway, Genesis