Originally Posted By: Bluecipher
Following the Dukes lead, the Luvinlioness could be a mature dame who drives from adventure to adventure, banging classy gents and solving crimes along the way, all with the aid of Lucky, her sleuth dog. A mature female courtesan-whore version of the Rockford Files.
I never watched Rockford Files until recently as they have it on MeTV when I am going to bed. Right on the money Bluecipher, a perpetually broke PI having his car break down often, being chased, beaten up and jailed on a regular basis. Replace PI with aged whore and you are describing the Luvinlioness' life. Just need to get someone to compose a theme song featuring a harmonica.
"I'm a minor character in my own story", Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson in 24 Hour Party People