Originally Posted By: Kingfish
Originally Posted By: Bluecipher
Where are Kengren and Kingfish on the issue? Everyone else wants her dead and buried.

Bluechiper, as a bucket list item, you should fly to the Luvinlioness and engage in her servcies. It probably won't be the best or worst fuck of your life, but you could meet the source of your curiosity and be able to do some first hand recon on the situation, not following the Internet trails.

Damn, if I did that the entire dream might wash away into a sad void, to mix metaphors. I think if I procured her services at this stage I'd be saddened by the entire experience. I still wonder if those TER reviews from the last few years are for real or if they're planted, like Amazon five star reviews.

It's too bad she won't show up on the board to take on some issues, seminar-style, with a rapporteur making sure the most vile comments are kept in check.

In my heart of hearts I hope her sister decides to lighten up (assuming they are estranged, which they seem to be) and bring the Luvinlioness back into the family fold. She could be a minor functionary at the school, working as an admin, returning her darker hair roots and leaving her escorting days in the past.
Mild Mannered Minion
I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow
-Anyway, Genesis