Originally Posted By: Bluecipher
Where are Kengren and Kingfish on the issue? Everyone else wants her dead and buried.

I just enjoy the travelogue narrated by you. I had never heard of her before you brought her to our attention. It appears that she isn't trying to scam the welfare or disability system as a socialist Canadian would probably do; that seems to be a plus. She could be an illegal immigrant who overstayed her visa and that is why she has to hustle blowjobs in less than ideal conditions than be able to collect government benefits. I think she is a product of her own doing: probably addicted to cigarettes, booze and drugs and I don't have much sympathy for her. I don't want her dead, but I don't lose any sleep over her plight.

Her demise would terminate the need for this very entertaining thread, so for the thread's sake, I hope she continues on her current arc for a while. Death or rescue would be bad.

Bluechiper, as a bucket list item, you should fly to the Luvinlioness and engage in her servcies. It probably won't be the best or worst fuck of your life, but you could meet the source of your curiosity and be able to do some first hand recon on the situation, not following the Internet trails.
"I'm a minor character in my own story", Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson in 24 Hour Party People