I don't doubt that the media loves the ratings they get from Trump, but I do believe the media loathes all Republicans and will do anything they can to keep Trump or Cruz or any other Republican from being elected President. Basically every 4 years they bring out the same game plan and paint the Republican nominee as a racist, sexist bigot who hates old people and poor people.

The only problem is, it isn't working this time. The more bad shit they say about Trump, the more the support for his candidacy grows. I'm not even a Trump supporter, but I do enjoy seeing that calling him a racist or sexist or whatever isn't doing any damage to his campaign. People are just simply sick of the liberal media and its bullshit.

Changing the subject to porn for a moment... I really like the chick in your animated avatar.
"Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars." - Martin Luther King, Jr.