Oh, what the hell. I am saying the same things to you that I said to Sean back in 2011. You'd think that someone, somewhere would CSI their way to something...fuck, ANYTHING, but no. Nothing. 5 years down the road and no apology. What kind of assholery is that? Surely, you'll be more reasonable and not wait until 2021 to either put up or shut up. I don't care which. Just pick one.

Not sure how I "support and promote" Donny Long to this day. Please explain.
Posting a link to the doc on Joe Blow is interesting to me because: 1. I like when people move on in their life; and 2. I gave permission for the filmmakers to use footage from HOOKERS AND BLOW. I'd be curious to see if any was used. Sorry, but that's as deep as it goes for me.

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