1. I have no interest in seeing anyone in the business have their names/families/work exposed. I don't support pornwikileaks and I'm an adult who can choose to visit any other website, which is what I do!
2. The things that trigger your anger (it seems there are many) are not the same as mine. I'm sure we don't share the same sense of outrage if we both happen to see a pirated update that cost me $10K to produce.
3. My real name is on wikipedia. I'm not hiding it from anyone so it's not as if I'm under some secret veil of protection. Wikipedia might even be seen by more people than PWL.
4. You act as if asking the same question in different ways will change answers. I've already said multiple times that I've had no involvement in PWL. None. Nada. Zero. Waste as much time looking for some smoking gun. It's not out there. When you're ready to be a man and apologise, there'll be plenty of room below.