Interest in enhancing a sensual experience with drugs (especially of the amphetamine or cathinone class) is ubiquitous, however their destructive power and legal status tends to dampen open conversation. We should not allow safer
legal avenues to suffer by association. I'd be interested if anyone could share anecdotal experience of any supplements they've tried, especially
those available from powder city but even what's available over the counter.
Myself I have been experimenting with nootropics, phenibut and
phenylethylamine. You may or may not know that the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for erection and the sympathetic for ejaculation and that to a large extent these components of the nervous system will oppose each other. So just as it is possible on SSRIs to maintain an erection and have difficulty achieving orgasm so too you might take methamphetamine (or phenylethylamine in this case) and experience orgasm without even having an erection. I experienced this drug as one does the airy and earliest stages of mdma until, after methodically increasing the starting dosage over time, I hit a magic number. At that point it became the breath taking rush one associates with amyl nitrate, but far more euphoric. Phenylethylamine is very popular as a pre-workout drug, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone with cardiac arrhythmia or hypertension.