Other than the "give me free shit", or the jealousy crowd that was never able to take advantage of the trickle down economy, I've never understood how the Bernie crowd actually thinks this is a good thing. And looking through this thread, I've yet to see anyone actually articulate why they support it. Memes and failed history education is all that comes up.
1. This does more to hurt the middle class than any made up tax cut the Left could ever dream of. Min wage jobs are not meant as careers. They are starting points. If you can't afford what you want to have while making min wage, then improve yourself and get better. Raising the wage of low skill and low educated workers (hey, that sounds like Liberal voters) only increases the costs of the goods and service they provide, which in turn takes away from the middle class and sinks them, or causes the wages of the real middle class to go up which puts the min wage right back to where they were.
2. Show me where it says that in the constitution. Just be honest, you want to bribe voters into thinking they'll get something for free, and saddle the middle class with paying for it
3. I'm sorry, but if you want something to have value, it has to have value. You want to know why you need more than High School to get a career? Because HS is free, and anyone can get it. Getting a post secondary school education is what separates the people who want to go after something, from those who don't. But why not ask the real question here; why are students racking up so much debt? Remember before when I told you if you increase the wage of someone (in this case, University staff), you increase the cost? As well, why are people dropping $50,000/year of University if the degree they are working on only makes them qualified for a min wage job? You want a free post secondary school education? Go join the Army or get into the trades. The world doesn't need Art History majors.
4. It already has been addressed. Remember, you keep changing the name of what it is because every single one of your predictions has been proven wrong, and the people who have made the most money peddling the lie are the ones who are the worst offenders
5. I can support that. But somehow I think you're plan is for new and expensive public transportation being contracted out to your unions buddies who have so eagerly donated to your political career, and not the infrastructure that is actually needed
6. So I suppose you are planning on unleashing the DoJ on every case where a minority is the perp and a white person is the victim? Careful there Bernie, if you really wanted to fight for Racial Justice, you're going to have to acknowledge the facts about crime statistics, and your voter base isn't going to be happy with the outcome
7. You know, if people could just follows the laws of the land, you wouldn't need to blame the police for enforcing those laws.
8. No problem. But you've benefitted far more in your political career from big money than Donald Trump ever has
9. Great, you just contradicted yourself. You want others to fund you.
10. It is already a right for all citizens. And with help from the Left, even non-citizens have it too. Are you really saying you are going to ensure only US citizens are going to vote? Careful Bern, you are losing more of your base
11. No problem. Put in a flat tax or eliminate the income tax all together. But you're still going after "corporate welfare" while insisting of education and health care welfare.
12. What do you think is going to happen when you hammer the middle class with a high cost of living, and less money in their pocket?
13. They already have that right. The problem is Bern, unions are no longer needed and are costing people their jobs. Will you support a workers right to not unionize?
14. If you have skill, education and have succeeded in life and have earned yourself employment, you will already have that. Oh wait, you're pandering to the Jon Gruber crowd again
15. See above
16. See above again
17. Oh dear God. You are still on this failed talking point? Bernie, it's been debunked already.
18. The path to citizenship needs to be followed and enforced. No need to change. Unless you want to get more low skill, low education people into the country as your new voters
19. Really?!?!? Really Bernie. I guess you know the MSM won't remind people your roll with the VA. Hope not, because if they ever switched the channel to a different network, they'd see how hard you worked to support the veterans.