Originally Posted By: charin
I believe it will stimulate the economy when people have money to spend.

Except they won't have any more money to spend. Technically they will have more money but the stuff they spend it on is going to increase in price so they won't be spending it on anything they aren't already spending it on.

You raise the minimum wage of the guy sacking your groceries at the local grocery store (assuming it hasn't gone to primarily self check out lanes to lower the cost of labor already). That increases the labor costs the grocery store is paying. So in turn the grocery store raises the price of the food it sells and that extra money from the wage raise goes back into buying the same food that now costs more. Unless of course the grocery store decides to cut the hours of their workers, cut the benefits of the workers or just cut the number of employees it has working in the store instead. This applies to just about any business or industry. (excluding government)

The left acts like the economy is some kind of reservoir that can be controlled by raising or lowering the outflow. It's not. It's more like a natural wetlands that gathers water that drains into it when it rains and lets water evaporate when it doesn't.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules