Here's a profile of TT Boy that I lifted from


T. T. Boy

Compact, muscular and short, T.T. Boy ranks among porn's hardest hitters, pounding his way through hundreds of girls and over 1000 videos since 1990.

His porn name comes from a knickname "The Troy Boy." Troy is TT's real middle name.

"T.T. Boy takes some unraveling," writes Chris Heath in the 9-96 edition of Details. "Along the way it is often hard to work out whether he is dumb, shy or careful. Though the words he says are often thoughtful enough, the sound of his voice is the dull thud of inarticulacy. Within the industry, his heavy-handed way with dialogue is something of a joke."

Some women won't perform with the 5'7" lad of Puerto Rican ancestry because he thrusts too hard. "I've lost plenty of work because women are afraid to work with me. I'd be better off with a little eight inch prong."

At full erection, T.T.'s cock measures eight-and-a-half inches. In many of his scenes, he uses his dick as a weapon, deliberately trying to hurt his partner. Depending on his mood, T.T. Boy either confirms or denies this cruelty.

"I love women. My pumping style comes with the blood. It was the way I was brought up, like an animal. If I'm in love with a girl, I show her a lot of tenderness. But if I'm not in love with her, I just fuck her... I like it hard and fast. I think it feels good and it looks good in a scene. It looks like sex. It shouldn't be making love, because I don't love any of these girls, and I can't fake that bullshit.

"It's great when you pull your dick out of her ass and there's shit all over your dick. You'll be fucking them and they'll start making faces at you...They got shit on your dick and then they'll smile at you. That's when you push her face on it, and shove your dick down the girl's throat - there's shit in her throat now and then you pull out and come on her...that's the very best. (HEVG)

"I was a shy kid when I started. Now I'm just a guy who wants to fuck the shit out of all the girls. I just want to fuck them to death. That's what I think about doing - fucking them so hard that they can't walk the next day...and coming on their faces too. I'll show them.

"Treat your girlfriend like a queen and treat porn girls like porn girls... I've learned from this business that women are not as nice as I thought they were.

"The attitudes and ego of some girls is stupid. The girl with a big ego doesn't want to be with me. I'll beat up her boyfriend and spit in her face. That's what I think about those bitches. And then I'll kick her in the head. (HEVG)

"To perform you have to make your own fantasies. The nastiest taboos you can think of will usually work best. I had this stepsister and she used to get strange and I wanted her. And my brother's girlfriend."

T.T.'s brother performs in gay porn under the name Lex Baldwin. "I didn't talk to him for a couple of years. I was irritated with him. He needed some money, so I set him up with a job just to jerk off, and it turned into something else and that wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want my brother into porno." (Details 9-96)

RAME's Peter Van Aarle sums up the majority view on T.T.: "A brainless fuck machine who doesn't seem to care about his partner."

"TT Boy just is another waste of time," says Herb Dntist on RAME. "Small dick, and very weak cumshots. That boy needs some major vitamins, or zinc or something! I guess he gets work because he can stay hard for the vid-shoots."

Burned by numerous reporters such as Susan Faludi and Peter Greene, and tired of being hated, T.T.'s wary of talking openly. At Trach Tec in the spring of 1996, I proceeded gingerly with our interview. Between scenes for director Jim Holliday, the tough intimidating young man said he enjoyed dating women who knew nothing about porn. "I meet girls everywhere. Restaurants, bars, parks, clubs... If I want to talk to a girl, I talk to her."

T.T.'s particularly attracted to Eurasian females. "Dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, with big lips and dark puffy pussy." As personified by asian women, the soft submissive female brings out the tough guy's soft side.

T.T. recommends a sense of humor and self-confidence as necessary traits for meeting women. "And don't take rejection too hard."

For those not secure in their sexuality, T.T. Boy told Hustler Erotic Video Guide, "Take your cheap, homosexual, butt-selling ass and go work Santa Monica Boulevard."

Depending on his mood and level of self confidence, T.T. alternates between attitudes of empathy and aggression. He seems most human when he's down.

He says that he entered porn "for the jollies." Now he does it for the money. "You get trapped. You make great money and spend too much time in the business thinking that life's too easy, and then the real world…"

The Boy once loved a girl named Amy. "I put her through a lot of tough times and I regret it. She asked me to quit many times and I told her I would, but I didn't. I never kept my word, and that's what I'm ashamed of. Her mother didn't like me… And I have a bad temper. I can get mean at times. If I'm in the right madness, I'll kill you. I never want to hurt anybody. I like people to be nice. People aren't very nice." (Details 9-96)

Amy eventually broke up with the Boy, and secured a restraining order against him.

The high testosterone brutish bachelor owns four guns. "I don't shoot them that often, a few times a year. I like guns. I like to blow things up. I go out in the desert and blow everything up - dynamite, gas cans, shoot at road runners..."

Saving his money, T.T. wants to enter the stunt business. "I can ride motorcycles or race cars, but you've gotta start from the bottom as an extra. You have to kiss the stunt coordinator's ass and work your way up. I just finished a six-week Stuntman course where they show you the basics: falling, fighting, jumping out of a three-story building onto an air mat. They teach you different types of jumps and how to break through glass windows without getting hurt."

T.T. despises porn though he likes the money, and sometimes, the attention.

"I've got some good friends like Jon Dough, Peter North, Steve Hatcher... I'm not close with that many people. I'm not a Captain Friendly. I'm not a bullshit artist.

"Some of the girls are all right when they start in this business but when they do a few movies, they think they're big stars.

"I tell people not to get into this business. Relationships don't work. If you think this business is all glamour, you're wrong. It can mess with your head. If you want to do it, only use this business as a last resort before working at McDonalds."

When he feels personally attacked by criticisms of porn, T.T. attacks. "Many people think porno people are so bad and that professionals are so good. And most professional people that I've met are pieces of shit. They're child molesters, fake, bullshit people. That bothers me. Everyone watches porn and then looks down on it."

A typical Taurus, T.T. describes himself as "hard working, with a bad temper, and strong. Rude, disrespectful, ignorant people piss me off."

T.T. admires men like Clint Eastwood and Mike Tyson.

His favorite movies include Gone With the Wind and Scarface. He generally enjoys love stories and westerns. He reads self-help books to learn about what makes himself and others tick. He has no favorite porn videos and says that he rarely watches himself.

When he's not dating, T.T. likes to hang out at the boxing gym and participate in such dangerous outdoor sports as parachuting, bungi jumping and shooting. "I never touch weights."

In Gregory Dark's Snake Pit, the Boy bangs Laura Palmer so hard that she tries to push him off her. He refuses to be deterred from his work until he ejaculates. In Starbangers 3, T.T. pounds Sarah Jane Hamilton. At one point while he is doing her from behind, she tries to get him to stop, but he won't. Finally she takes a swing at him.

"Most disturbing portion of footage that should have left on the cutting room floor," writes Marcus Hayden on RAME. "What could the director have been doing while this obnoxious oaf was upsetting the star to such an extent that she grimaces in distaste and pain, forcefully pushing him away by his face? Later he bollixed up one of the best cum shot sequences by doing grief-knows-what to her while she's enthusiastically performing the opposite of cum dodging, causing her to yelp in pain and turn away from the action. Although he came good to the back of her throat, her reaction to his hand moving near her face showed she expected a slap. She got him good by spitting into her hand and wiping it in his face..."

T.T. says he's a Christian. He reads the Bible occasionally.

When he meets strangers who want to know what he does for a living, T.T. sometimes tells the truth, depending on the situation. He's more likely to tell men the truth.

"Some people get scared when I look at them. If someone is staring at me, I'm going to stare back at them."

T.T.'s acting has improved dramaticly over the past few years since he took classes at the Lee Strassberg Theater Institute. His favorite actors include Michael Douglas, Gary Oldman, Robert De Niro, and Al Pacino.