I'm proud to say that Binky and I had a special connection. Sure, Binky banged, but she did much, much more.

One is moved to write verse...
I think that I shall never see
A starlet lovely as Binky.

A girl whose hungry mouth is prest
Against porno's sweet flowing breast;

Poems are made by fools like me
But only God can make Binky.

Thank you, B.B., my Bebe.
The scene that helped to get her where she is today: http://www.pornstarnetwork.com/video/binky-bangs-96964.html

Binky 1.jpg (246 downloads)
Binky 2.jpg (243 downloads)
Binky 3.jpg (237 downloads)
Binky 4.jpg (234 downloads)
Binky 5.jpg (229 downloads)