1) I cant believe anyone, let alone me, beat Panzer to posting about
Russia's Next Gen Tank2) If I'm right about how "ignoring" posters works, he's gonna see his thread was bumped but not be able to read the post because he's a pussy and has half the board blocked, so he'll beg the Admiral to tell him what's what.
3) The Admiral, fresh off his Redd Foxx moment and, like-as-not, still smarting from the rebuffment of his avuncular advice will, like-as-not, be unwilling or unable to reply as quickly as the petulent parisite would like, leading to his re-ignoring.
4) This turn of events proves beneficial to the ol' pirate's ticker, completing the cycle.
5) Meanwhile, everyone
except Alex gets to check out this pic of the Tank, because he's proven himself a foot-shooting fucktard. Quod Erat Demonstrandum.