Barry the Pirate
Porn Jesus
Registered: 12/09/08
Posts: 8433
Loc: Great Pacific Northwest
Originally Posted By: Jerkules
Originally Posted By: Barry the Pirate
Eddie Boulder= Brutus Beefcake or whatever his name was. He may not have them on the Network, but he owns them. I don't think he owns the AWA ESPN shows, tho.
Did he ever get the Mid-South/UWF library? I know whats didn't own it, I think his ex-wife got it.
I don't think he owns the MSG cards from the early 80s that were shown on MSG Network. I was surprised to see how many full cards were on YouTube. Cool AWA SuperClash shows too. I could probably spend a lifetime watching all the cool cards I read about in wrestling magazines when I was a kid.
He does have Mid-South, I'm pretty sure. They did a DVD release of a Best of...a year or so ago.
There's fucking everything on YouTube. I watch a lot of the old southern territories. It's funny to see heel Dirty White Boy Tony Anthony do some atrocity to babyface Dr. Tom Pritchard only to see the exact same scenario a year later, only with the roles reversed.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE