Sorry, I really don't know any of the players involved in this soap opera. Or, for that matter, what the issue is that they are fighting about. I did read the letter that was posted and it was truly cringe-worthy.
If I ever found myself in the position to hire a lawyer about some issue like this, it would not be to ask somebody to stop doing what they were doing. It would be to punish them for having done it. One short, sweet letter with the minimum number of words necessary to cover your ass in anticipation of the pending lawsuit is all that is needed or wanted.
People who try too hard to sound "lawyerly" seem to be making up for a sense of inferiority and/or appear to be bluffing.
Not knowing any of the people involved or any of the details, my advice would be for that guy to hire a serious lawyer interested in taking the case to court, not paying paying some shill to type up a boiler plate form letter filled with legal-ease. Wimpy.
--Some of us look for The Way in opium and some in God, some of us in whiskey and some in love. It is all the same Way and it leads nowhither.