2015 Events Overview - Please add to your Calendar

The European Summit
Europe's leading B2B Conference for the Online Entertainment Industries
http://www.theeuropeansummit.com/7-10 March 2015, Hotel Calipolis, Barcelona-Sitges, Spain

The Latin American Summit
Latin America's leading B2B Conference for the Online Entertainment Industries
http://www.thelatinamericansummit.com/en15-18 July 2015, Medellin, Colombia

The European Summit
Europe's leading B2B Conference for the Online Entertainment Industries
http://www.theeuropeansummit.com/22-25 September 2015, Parkhotel Praha, Prague, Czech Republic

Online Dating Summit
The Executive Retreat for the Online Dating Industry
http://www.onlinedatingsummit.com/en08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas

The Island Gathering
Top Level Executive Retreat for Leaders in the Online Entertainment Industries
http://www.theislandgathering.com/en08-12 November 2015, Melia Nassau Beach, Bahamas
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