Originally Posted By: Willie D
The brothers have to do 3 things to have the embargo legally lifted: (i) allow free elections, (ii) release all political prisoners, and (iii) remove restrictions on freedom of expression. This has all been codified into U.S. law. President Nig can't just waive this with a signature. And we all know these two Commies are going to die as Commies. Fidel is aghast at China an how they have managed to combine a semi-capitalist economy into the Socialist structure. But the Castro brothas ain't Socialists. They're Commies. They think Marx was a softie.

Fidel should be injected with Ebola blood from a Ghanan nigress and have his demise captured on film for another Seth Rogen film, obviously to be released by Sony Pictures and broadcast Radio Marti-style into North Currey-a.

You're insane..!!
100 Cigarettes

King Richard