I've always found this interesting. Nike is horrible because they pay whatever to peasants in Viet Nam. WM is evil because of their low wages. Those poor people not making enough. The end game with the nannies is to shut down the Nike plant, to run the WM out of town...if not out of business. When that happens, those poor people making squat will really be in the driver's seat. But the nannies will feel better about themselves for "doing something". Which is what really matters.
Well, hot damn,
NOW you're bleating, Jasper. You got that all figured out, just like they told you, yessir. Anyway, since you've got those, umm, "nannies" all figured out, maybe you could answer one question:
How come they can pay McDrones in Australia ~$15.00 an hour
without a crippling rise in prices?(...and, no,
"Whatevah! I do what I want!!!" isn't an acceptable answer.)