"Lmao right, cuz she's going to tell a random nobody the truth 1000% of the time. I don't talk about this shit to impress anyone, nor do I think giving a chick drugs and or money is something to be impressed by. Its a fun way to relive some moments. I don't talk to friends about this shit. Not sure what kind of shit life that you must have to go hound a porn chick about a guy you know from a message board but more power to you. Plus keep in mind, the 'hobbyist' world is a lot like fight club, you don't talk about it. Unless its Charlie Sheen. Court has fucked many a famous dude, she doesn't speak on it. I doubt she'll be blabbing about my insignificant ass."-smokezilla in response to artxmavericks borderline stalking
i think of the past and how the future isnt how i imagined it,but the past is exactly where i unraveled it.excuses for failed attempts, gained another one i used a noose
it’s not until you fall apart you see the screws are loose-cage