i watched sons of anarchy tonight,and i guess now i feel more strongly about how i felt when watching the previous season;which is that theyve run out of ideas and its a good thing theyre wrapping things up.who the hell needed to get hit on the inside that the ab couldnt take care of it themselves?if the guy was in pc they couldve had someone from an underling aryan gang(except for the nazi lowriders which all pced up because of beef with the ab)pc up to kill him.not send gay ass juice to do it.
ill just chalk this up to sutters idiocy.looking back the lame ass drawn out getting abel back from ireland season was a turning point in the decline of the plot ideas.something i realized in the time i wasted watching the aftershow was that juice is puerto rican(hold on dickhead im not done),so by default hes part black already.having said that, what did it matter that his dad was black and he thought the club might kick him out and/or kill him for it?
tonights ep left a bad taste in my mouth and now i think id rather watch a recap of the last half of the previous season and watch selected episodes from this one.mostly just to see what happened to clay.also sutter shouldve tried bumping up ratings by casting the fbi agent that pretended to be drea de matteos friend in the sopranos,instead of her.