yeah i got some inside information about this. Katie and Rob didn't have to spend any money as the lawyer didn't know Stagliano or his history when he stupidly took the case. Next thing he knew the deposition went so fucking poorly, Katie Summers admitted she knew she couldn't get HIV from John touching her ass. And she admitted she doesn't have HIV now. Carrying on with the lawsuit was gonna cost her & rob like 30k and the lawyer found out that Stagliano wasn't ever ever ever going to settle no matter the cost. This man took on the US government remember.

Now poor Katie is back webcamming and making 1000-2000 per month, Rob is running a website that makes 0 dollars, and Rob & Tom's clips store full of 20 year old content makes about 100 bucks each...maybe.

My only guess is that Rob bamboozled some idiot into thinking his autobiographical book would somehow be a good read and a moneymaker.
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