I'd always thought vv was full of this edgy, great writing. until i actually read it a few years ago-it sucks. MA is full of commies and space cowboys and the boston phoenix, which kinda spoiled me. it has the escort section, but manages to pull pulitzers and for several years had a guy whose stuff rivaled the bbc's traffik. it was so good that he's underground running
narconews basically, the former pres. of mexico who citigroup paid 12billion for his silent majority ownership of banamex got mad when the dude fingered him as one of the biggest cocaine traffickers out there, filed a few baseless suits, and now wants him dead. some of the only interesting journalism i've ever seen.
oh yeah, caroline knapp (drinking, a love story) wrote there before she croaked too. but nothing beats cartel gossip and escort ads in the same rag. narconews is fucking fascinating and worth checking out if you're down to reading hisexcellency's posts a second time.