Originally Posted By: Steezo
I'm giving up meat for a while and going on a low-fat diet. After a particularly lazy summer, I visited my doctor and found out that I've gained a bit of weight. Worse though, my cholesterol is through the roof: 378!!!

Do whatever you think helps; the choices are endless and usually dogmatic.

I saw a guy on television many years ago who tended to belittle common dietary advice wherever he could.
For good reason - or so it seems.
He's a German food chemist and considered the following to be valid regarding the mediterranean diet:

- a small breakfast
- the main meal is eaten in the evening before going to bed
- substantially higher consumption of meats compared to Germany
- using a lot of fat
- cooking vegetables for a long time while swimming in fat to be able to ensure the absence of any vitamins in the fatty stuff
- generously salting dishes
- almost completely avoiding raw food
- not abiding any dietary rules we created
- not eating whole grain products while favouring white bread
- drinking alcohol

All in all, that would lead to a significantly reduced number of cardiovascular diseases compared to Germany.

Dietary advice might just be an odd cult.