Postal police. That makes it federal. Consequences will never be the same.
Seriously tho, that's a fucked up tale. if the shit was too heavy, how the fuck did you get it in the place? Since I discovered package pickup my life is much easier. Doesn't work for Media Mail, tho.
I didn't threaten anyone, I just ranted about incompetence and why the post office was going bankrupt. But, you always run the risk that the employees might embellish ... sadly it's a post 9-11, no rights, world.
It wasn't too heavy. The limit is 70 lbs. I just checked the receipt from the other PO location and it was 38 [I told her 40-45, so I'm getting old, so 38 feel more like 45]. If she can't do the job, get another job!!
The last time I dealt with the Union City PO and this freakin' Chinese clerk I had a similar problem. Before I moved I put together a priority mail flat rate box of my dumbbell free weights. I used lots of Staples' version of Elmer's glue and Costco packing taped the entire surface of the box. It wasn't going to break open.
Based on the sum of discs, it weighed 57 lbs.
I was lazy. I didn't move it to my storage. I had the movers move it down the 7 set of steps from my walkup. Thus when I had the space allocated and the inclination to use them, I would ship the weights to FL. I would have them ready to go in my storage.
Last spring I when I was up in NY, it was time. I printed a label with postage [as you know, cheaper + free tracking], went to the storage, taped it to the box and brought it to the PO to drop off.
They made me wait on line and then the Chinese clerk told me it was "too heavy." I said it would weigh less than 60 lbs and the ads for the flat rate box says 70 lbs max. After 10 minutes of back and forth discussions, they accepted it.
Sadly for the other mailers, she just shoved the box from her scale into the mail bin, likely crushing other peoples' stuff. You could hear it hit the other parcels.
I HATE that bitch clerk and that PO location!!!