Originally Posted By: 2Savage
You know I have to say this... I feel bad for Christy Mack and the brutal beating she received. That form of violence is never justified no matter what "War Machine" may have walked in on with Christy and her "male friend". However... my sympathy is marginal and here is why...

1. I have to question anyone crazy enough to legally change their name from Jon Koppenhaver to "War Machine". "Hey kids, your uncle "War Machine" is here!" That screams fucking idiot right off the bat. Like getting a girlfriends name tattooed anywhere on your body. Just stupidity with a capital DUMB! That was Christy's first ignored red flag.

2. This ball snot coward has a public history for not only violence (spent a year in jail assaulting someone in 2010)--but domestic violence. Including a very public fight over then porn girlfriend Allanah Rae. Ignored flag number 2.

3. He beat her multiple times before! I know domestic violence is a psychological mind fuck between the victim and the perpetrator. But me...I take that shit personally. Disrespect me more than once... then I am out. I don't care about their "my daddy beat me... mommy was fucking the U.P.S. man--or the neighbors" excuses they have.. man the fuck up! Flag number 3.

We have all heard stories of domestic violence calls where someone is beating the shit out of a woman and an innocent bystander will step in--then the bitch will attack him and testify on the side of her man.. who was beating the shit out of her in the first place! Maybe I don't understand this---but my sympathy level is low.

Personally the best thing that could happen right now is they catch this asshole and he gets a minimum of 10 years to work on his anger issues and his macrame. I am sure he'll be some nice butt candy for some guys in max-- They'll get a kick out of his cute moniker: "War Machine". Or the other possibility and a favor to society is that he just offs himself and saves the taxpayers some money. Before he kills someone else.

Either way... there has been a lot of money raised for Christy and I truly wish good things for her after this. I just hope she uses it wisely-- and doesn't spit in everyone who donated's face by ever having contact with this serial thug again.

#2 has been the only thing that has been on my mind with this situation. Porn is relatively a small commmunity. The Alanah Rae situation happened at an industry party, was in public, and involved one of if not the biggest porn agents.

No one told her about this guy?
No one ever said "Oh shit you're dating THAT crazy asshole?" Or "Hey that crazy asshole War Machine was just talking to you. Ever hear about that party he went ape shit, and beat his then porn star girl friend up in front of everyone?"

I think of this and then I always come back to this one quote from the movie "As Good as it Gets."

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups!