He also sawed much of my hair off with this dull knife.

As she was getting the shit beat outta her she had time to think "jeez that knife is dull".

He took my phone and cancelled all of my plans for the following week to make sure no one would worry about my whereabouts.

Really, in the middle of a rage fit he stopped to do this...

Assuming he was finding a sharper, more stable knife to end my life, I ran out my back door,

He needs to find a sharp knife to end her life? And more stable??? WTF

shutting it behind me so the dogs didn’t run inside to tip him off.

That's pretty cool headed for a girl that's just been beat within an inch of her life.

Also, like someone pointed out, what happened to the mook. Given her account this all had to take hours. Nobody deserves what she got, but I call BS.

Edited by Blue (08/12/14 04:46 PM)
You can’t be a pimp and a prostitute too. -some song I heard...

I'm like: 'Is it even legal to say that?' Then I realized we were grown men."