I'm not totally sure on the connection to me. I don't think I really have a position on dudes watching porn and their girl's not approving of it. It's the human condition. Dudes watch porn. Their SOs don't approve. It's a cruel joke of fate.

As for the fat chicks thing, I stand by that to a point. I just didn't factor in my view, that I'm just now starting to sort of understand, of sexual encounters. I'm open to pretty much any willing adult girl as long as long as she be clean. It's about the adventure, the experience. And maybe the telling of the tail afterward. Every guy doesn't think that way. But I still think a lot of you are little princesses when it comes to the quality of woman that you'll admit to being willing to put your marriage tackle to. Not judging. OK, I guess I am. But not in a very meaningful way.

"Apologies all around" was more than likely sarcasm. Or it could have been that I'd been lightly chastised by fartz, who I feel is my moral superior...that's a shoot, by the way.

The "real" me comes through because I pretty much live the gimmick. On my td list for Seattle next week is getting my picture taken in front of the Green River Killer's houses, for fuck's sake. I'm a knucklehead.
Having killed someone doesn't make you a killer- @KINGROCHE