Originally Posted By: PrimeD
Originally Posted By: Bob Horton
Originally Posted By: PrimeD

Why the video game industry is deteriorating.

The last ten episodes or so.

DLCs ruined it. America's charity-based, crowd-sourcing culture trends catalyzed it.

Publishers setting a release date for unfinished, mostly boring games with a big budget, in most cases already conceived as a series, didn't ruin the video game industry; they made it more like Hollywood's kindergarten.

Watch Dogs and others want to be Harry Potter, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Divergent and such.

Primitive current console hardware will lead to primitive graphics.
Interactivity alleviates, but only slightly.

It's not that the PC hardware available today is much better; it's just a bit better.
Nvidia and AMD don't need to push anything unnecessary and it'll stay that way.

Independent games are artificially limited in size and complexity, leading to mostly boring attempts at originality without looking good.

My prime concerns when buying a game is cheap price and value [hours of gameplay]