The only person who should be suing is Rob Rotten, for this cunt besmirching his good porn name.

And holy craptastic, it just struck me how unbelievably fucking funny the discovery hearings will be for this trial. I hope she goes ahead with it. Court costs were only $337. Plus a retainer for the lawdog...she could earn that back in one double anal.

Plaintiff: Your Honor, as you can see by these Twatter posts, Mr. Harcore clearly defamed by client.
Max: In rebuttal, your Honor, we present the following dialogue from "Facial overload 3," where Ms. Rotten exclaims, "Come on you fucking bastard, spray your cum all over my worthless whore face." And your Honor, we have 32 other pieces of evidence to submit, with the court's permission. Including a June 9th "tweet" containing the text "Getting the shit fucked out of me today!"

And how is it that Max is the ONE dude in porno that hasn't poled this skank up her shit cunt? Ain't it usually the other way 'round?