Has anyone noticed that the set of folks decrying the primacy of money intersects quite strongly with the set of folks who can't seem to figure out a way to get any money? Of course, the opinion leaders of the losers bitching about the primacy of money, they know how to make money — by rousing that rabble, of course. An hour of Chomsky's time to yammer on at the local U to tell future Starbucks baristas about how the rich are screwing them? That'll be twelve thousand smackers, fuck you very much. (At least, that was his rate in 2006 when we still had the illusion of a strong dollar.)

You'd think such an important anti-capitalist message as Chomsky's should be delivered free of charge, wouldn't you? But no, Chomsky values his labor many dozens of times higher than my labor, while denouncing me as an exploiter, and hundreds if not a thousand times higher than the labor of the rabble he rouses.

Did you know that most of Chomsky's (and his wife's, as she is a professor at Harvard) academic work has been funded by the Pentagon? That's right: Chomsky works for the war machine. Chomsky grew rich working for the war machine. He owns not just one home in a wealthy enclave, but also a vacation home in an even more wealthy enclave. What do you suppose Harvard and MIT professors get paid? Why does he not teach at a community college where he can help more of the oppressed?

Did you know that Chomsky has moved most of his millions into irrevocable trusts, to keep the assets away from the tax man. But, but, isn't Noam Chomsky one of the leading voices demanding a more progressive system of taxation? Didn't he say that April 15 ought to be a day of celebration where citizens rejoice over doing their part for the commonweal?

What a fucking phony. Always it is thus with the vanguard of the proletariat.