Originally Posted By: CxGxPx
You sound like a gigantic apologist for the right, and are contributing to the false 'conservative/liberal' paradigm we have. ......if you're actively denying the absolute force of organized money and dismissing it as "conspiratorial" then I think it is you my friend who is naive. ....If you happen to be a female who has done some anal scenes please feel free to post photographic evidence.

I could only be an apologist if I thought there was something to apologize for. And I am absolutely not denying the influence of money, nor am I dismissing anything as a conspiracy. I was dismissing those who themselves claim to see conspiracy. Yes, there is a military-industrial complex... yes, there are multi-national corporations which wield more power and influence than any democratically elected politician. Those facts are plainly obvious to anyone who's bothering to pay attention.

But my point is this:
As long as I live in this country...

and not this country...
Why should I care??
"Why did robocop have a mouth? Was it so he could kiss other robocops? I bet it was so he could kiss other robocops."